– Welcome to the next blog in this series
How to write content.
When people go to your website, they are looking for content.
They might have a bit of an idea of what you actually do, but you need to make sure that you have good, meaningful content for them to easily absorb, see and understand clearly. They make quick decisions without thinking, so how can you persuade visitors to take action if they don’t read your text?
They don’t want to browse around your website for several minutes to find your product. They wanna find it quickly. Your website visitors decide quickly whether your website is useful or not.
So if it’s something complicated, a lot of options to choose from, what will they do, what will you do?
You click away to check out another website. Put your most important information first. That could be a seminar series, it could be a enquiry form, it could be anything like that, but just make sure that you’ll understand it pretty quickly.
And also what your business does. We’ve all come across obscure business names and obscure websites. Make sure it’s clear what you actually do. Don’t try to be clever or too creative. Nobody hangs on for every word that you write. They don’t have the time. They’re in a hurry cuz they could check out several websites instead of wasting time trying to figure out what you actually do.
How often do you read a webpage?
Tell you what, most people hardly ever. So you just quickly glance through each page, scan some of the text until the first one captures your interest, or vaguely remember what was the thing that you were looking for. Write for lazy people, your visitor doesn’t wanna make an effort to read your text.
Use short paragraphs.
Use short sentences.
Skip unnecessary words. Avoid jargon and gobbly gook. Address your web visitors directly. Use the word ‘you’. Shorten your text, cut it down. Homepage is your website’s welcome mat, so choose it carefully, nice and clear, create the right impression.
And remember, always start with keyword research for SEO. The most important part in Google marketing is keyword research. See what people are looking for. Build around that. SEO keyword research tells you about topics Google and your audience find relevant.
It eliminates your competitor’s content strategy so you can steal stuff from competitors and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of your own.
So remember, the most important text is your contact details. Make sure it’s prominent and easy to find. Remember, phone number, top right hand corner.
That’s it for today.
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