Get into the Benefits of Voice Search Optimisation!


What is Voice Search?

Voice Search is the Google search that happens when a person speaks into their device and asks for information by using virtual voice assistants like Siri, Bixby or Alexa. Where, so far, SEO practices have focused on the written word, now, sound – from both the provider of information and the searcher – is being transcribed into search terms. It’s a growing trend that people at home, work, or out driving, looking to make a purchase or enquiry, are increasingly using voice search. They are often looking to find a store or supplier near their location, or to find out about topics they are interested in. With close to 2.5 billion smart phone users out there, you can see how there are advantages to be had by optimising your site to respond to voice searches.

White paper produced in collaboration
with the University of NSW

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Why is Voice Search important?

While digital marketing allows you to target your niche customer base rather than using a ‘one size fits all’ approach, voice search brings that whole concept into even sharper relief. Coupled with a best use of Google’s new ‘Local Search’ feature, optimising your site for Voice Search will literally serve to put you on the map. 

With 46% of voice search users look for a local business daily, there’s a large market to be tapped into and it is increasing rapidly.

Clicks for Profit operates at the leading edge of search technology. We have strategies and best practices to optimise your online marketing tools for an expanding future. We ensure that your site, blogs and podcast materials are designed to point customers to your door, by choosing and using the best content inclusions and technical data that will work for you. Optimising for Voice Search is an important part of that strategy, as voice activation expands rapidly.

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Make your website thrive

Successful websites tend to be extremely customer-centric. They are optimised to answer common questions individuals may have, in the simplest manner. Optimising for Voice Search often involves restructuring a website so the contents and the flow are simple to use and interpret. When the website is made customer-centric, and Voice SEO is included, its content can better feature in search results and your site becomes a strong inbound marketing tool, which draws customers into the service or product you offer, even more.

If a website is optimised for Voice SEO and also has some medium (like a podcast or a book), that’s relevant to a product you offer, then Google A.I. will transcribe that podcast, making it searchable for all the terms in there. This is a big part of Google’s plan for the next decade. It provides a wide search base for you to be found, ensuring that your page is, wherever possible, appearing at the top of most relevant searches, each time.

Convenience plays a big role in searching by voice command, and if a website is optimised for Voice SEO, it is more likely the clicks to it will be higher. Currently, most people are still using “text search” rather than “voice search”, however the latest Adobe research (July 2019) finds that 48% of consumers are using voice for “general web searches.” Marketing agencies will take advantage of this growth. The end goal of a Voice SEO optimised website is to be convenient to locate and user-friendly at all times.

Overall, the future of SEO voice is bright, but now is the time to join this hidden trend, tackle the next generation in SEO head-on, and set your firm up with a competitive advantage for both the short and long term. There’s an exciting competitive edge to be gained by utilising voice SEO when presenting a marketing strategy, as there are so few firms yet using this practice. It can really ensure that your website is being found in all types of search. Speak to us about how we can help get your site streamlined and ready for expansion.

Download our white paper produced
in collaboration with University of New South Wales